Nonparametric Statistical Inference


Erschienen am 21.12.2020, 1. Auflage 2020
130,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781351616164
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 674 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Praise for previous editions:"e; a classic with a long history."e; - Statistical Papers"e;The fact that the first edition of this book was published in 1971 [is] testimony to the book's success over a long period."e; - ISI Short Book Reviews"e; one of the best books available for a theory course on nonparametric statistics. very well written and organized recommended for teachers and graduate students."e; - Biometrics"e; There is no competitor for this book and its comprehensive development and application of nonparametric methods. Users of one of the earlier editions should certainly consider upgrading to this new edition."e; - Technometrics"e; Useful to students and research workers a good textbook for a beginning graduate-level course in nonparametric statistics."e; - Journal of the American Statistical AssociationSince its first publication in 1971, Nonparametric Statistical Inference has been widely regarded as the source for learning about nonparametrics. The Sixth Edition carries on this tradition and incorporates computer solutions based on R. FeaturesCovers the most commonly used nonparametric proceduresStates the assumptions, develops the theory behind the procedures, and illustrates the techniques using realistic examples from the social, behavioral, and life sciencesPresents tests of hypotheses, confidence-interval estimation, sample size determination, power, and comparisons of competing proceduresIncludes an Appendix of user-friendly tables needed for solutions to all data-oriented examplesGives examples of computer applications based on R, MINITAB, STATXACT, and SASLists over 100 new referencesNonparametric Statistical Inference, Sixth Edition, has been thoroughly revised and rewritten to make it more readable and reader-friendly. All of the R solutions are new and make this book much more useful for applications in modern times. It has been updated throughout and contains 100 new citations, including some of the most recent, to make it more current and useful for researchers.

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