Returning to the Source

eBook - Han Dynasty Medical Classics in Modern Clinical Practice, The Classics of Chinese Medicine in Clinical Practice

Erschienen am 21.03.2018, 1. Auflage 2018
51,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780857013064
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 184 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Chinese Medicine constantly refers back to its sources in order to initiate the new. Its source code is in the Han Dynasty medical classics, and in this handbook esteemed practitioner and educator Professor Z'ev Rosenberg shares the knowledge from his study of these classic texts and his experiences treating difficult cases.

In the tradition of the scholar-physician commentaries, Z'ev Rosenberg comments on the Simple Questions that introduce the core principles of the Inner Canon; explaining how these inform his methodology of diagnosis and advising on how biomedical diseases can be retranslated into sophisticated Chinese medical diagnoses including patterns of differentiation, sequential diagnosis, synchronicity, season, climate and environment. He discusses how Chinese medicine can use unique diagnostic parameters to rebalance the landscape and chronobiology of the body and address the greatest clinical challenges of our time, including the contemporary epidemic of autoimmune disorders.


Z'ev Rosenberg LAc is Chair Emeritus of Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, San Diego. In private practice since 1983, he is recognised as one of the first generation of practitioners of TCM in the US.


Praise for Returning to the Source. Dedication. Foreword by Sabine Wilms. Foreword by Ken Rose. Acknowledgements. Introduction. 1. Philosophy and medical education: The missing piece. 2. Ecological medicine: The heart of the Su wen medical philosophy. 3. Chinese medicine and the internal pharmacy: The body/mind's self healing tools and substances. 4. The Picasso Principle: Developing multivalent diagnostic acumen. 5. The technician and scholar physician. 6. Thermodynamics and autoimmune disease: Essential principles of treatment. 7. Mài xiàng ??/Pulse image: The core of Chinese medical diagnosis. 8. Zàng xiàng ??/Visceral manifestation: The core of Chinese medical diagnostic systems. 9. The perfect storm: An approach to time in Chinese medicine. 10. Gan yìng ??/Resonance: An essential principle of classical Chinese medicine. 11. Case histories. Afterword by Ken Rose. Appendix I: Drugs and their effects on the pulse. Appendix II: The importance of terminology and language in grasping Chinese medicine. Appendix III: Resources for learning medical Chinese language. Appendix IV: Pulse maps from classical texts and physicians' schools. Appendix V: Abdominal Algorithms/Qualities of Palpation. Appendix VI: Nan jing 18 pulse model. Glossary of terms and classical texts. References.

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