Journey Begins


Erschienen am 20.04.2018, 1. Auflage 2018
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780745978031
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 144 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


One morning, Rabbit discovers a birthday parcel addressed to him. Inside is a Bible and on the flyleaf is written 'Read Me'. As he wonders at this odd present a brightly painted gypsy-style caravan hurtles down the road - and narrowly misses him. Rabbit picks up the book and joins the caravan travellers - Hector the horse, Caravan Bear and Whitby (female) the dog.The Animals' Caravan, has echoes of children's classics such as Wind in the Willows and Alice in Wonderland as Rabbit leaves his home to set out on an unexpected journey - a journey to find friendship and make sense of the world around him. He also finds himself on a journey of faith as he and his new friends wrestle with some of the often difficult concepts in the bible, thereby gaining fresh insights and understanding of God's loving involvement and care for the world.The travelling life of the caravan and its occupants provide the opportunity for Rabbit to share these tales with other animals they meet and they join Caravan Bear, Whitby and Hector in listening - and learning from - the stories. He is frequently interrupted by questions from his listeners, the kind of questions any child - or adult - might ask.The real and often humorous events that happen to Rabbit and his friends are mirrored by the stories from the Bible enabling children to realise that the stories have relevance and meaning today.Contents1 The Caravan Sets Off 72 Adam and Eve Genesis 2-3 183 The Two Brothers Genesis 4 324 Jonah's Watery Adventure Jonah 425 The Babbling Tower Genesis 11 596 Noah and the Flood Genesis 6-9 727 Joseph and His Brothers Genesis 37 858 Crossing the Red Sea Exodus 4-14 1009 Ruth's New Home Ruth 120

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