
eBook - who is guilty and who is innocent in the most gripping thriller of the year

Erschienen am 27.01.2021, 1. Auflage 2021
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780733644917
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


'Read it in a day. . . It is BRILLIANT' - DERVLA McTIERNANIn this propulsive locked-room thriller, a reunion weekend in the French Alps turns deadly when five friends discover someone has deliberately stranded them in a deserted mountaintop resortWhen former snowboarder Milla is invited to a reunion at the French Alps resort that saw the peak of her career, she drops everything to go. The group haven't seen each other since the disappearance of the beautiful and enigmatic Saskia ten years ago, and while Milla has tried to bury the events of that winter, the invitation comes from Curtis - how could she say no?But when an icebreaker game turns menacing, the five friends realise they don't know who has actually gathered them there and how far they will go to discover what really happened to Saskia. In an isolated lodge high up a mountain, the secrets of the past are about to come to light.Imagine Agatha Christie set in the Alps and you have Shiver, a spectacularly sinister psychological debut.'A high-velocity, heart-in-your-mouth whodunnit that delivers twists and turns, I absolutely loved it' ANNA DOWNES'Shiver is a tour-de-force, a truly gripping chiller of a thriller, genuinely impossible to put down and a sensational debut' PETER JAMES'An exciting, twisty page-turner that will keep you guessing all the way to the end' C.L. TAYLOR'Deep in the breathtaking winter bleakness of the French Alps, revenge-and perhaps even murder-is most definitely afoot . . . This suspenseful debut thriller contains both style and substance' KIRKUS REVIEWS'A white-knuckle ride through a dangerous world full of deadly ambition' ERIN KELLY 'Could not turn the pages of this book fast enough to find out what had happened. Gripping!' NATASHA LESTER'Brilliantly tense and twisty, it had me holding my breath the entire time' KAYTE NUNN'An absolutely gripping read and genuinely unputdownable . . . Fresh, thrilling and original with complex, believable characters' KAREN HAMILTON

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