Synchronicity Key


Erschienen am 01.03.2014, 1. Auflage 2014
16,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780285642546
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 528 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


In The Hidden Science of Lost Civilisations David Wilcock exposed some of the greatest scientific secrets of our time, from DNA transformation to multidimensional time, to unlock the mysteries mankind have always struggled to answer: who are we, how did we get here and where are we going? In The Synchronicity Key David Wilcock goes beyond this new understanding to investigate how our universe works. Using history and astrology, as well as new research into fractals, spiritual geometry and quantum physics, Wilcock demonstrates that there is a hidden architecture within time which guides individuals and nations through a system of enlightenment (which Joseph Campbell called the Hero's Journey). Historical events occur in shockingly precise and repeating cycles of time and once the hidden laws governing our fate through seemingly random 'synchronicity' are identified we are left with a remarkable blueprint of how to lead our lives in an uncertain world. "Synchronicity is more than a happy accident. It is an effect of the connectivity of the universe. It is proof that everything is a part of a unified, connected whole. It is an affirmation of life." David Wilcock's understanding of the living fabric that binds the universe together is behind his knowledge of synchronicity, the connections between seemingly unrelated events, and how we are guided by it. Synchronicity is a means to awaken us to our true identity, the thoughts we think and the actions we take are being guided by hidden cycles that repeat throughout the universe and time. David Wilcock is our guide to this new world. In The Hidden Science of Lost Civilisations David Wilcock exposed some of the greatest scientific secrets of our time, from DNA transformation to multidimensional time, to unlock the mysteries mankind have always struggled to answer: who are we, how did we get here and where are we going? In The Synchronicity Key David Wilcock goes beyond this new understanding to investigate how our universe works. Using history and astrology, as well as new research into fractals, spiritual geometry and quantum physics, Wilcock demonstrates that there is a hidden architecture within time which guides individuals and nations through a system of enlightenment (which Joseph Campbell called the Hero's Journey). Historical events occur in shockingly precise and repeating cycles of time and once the hidden laws governing our fate through seemingly random 'synchronicity' are identified we are left with a remarkable blueprint of how to lead our lives in an uncertain world. "Synchronicity is more than a happy accident. It is an effect of the connectivity of the universe. It is proof that everything is a part of a unified, connected whole. It is an affirmation of life." David Wilcock's understanding of the living fabric that binds the universe together is behind his knowledge of synchronicity, the connections between seemingly unrelated events, and how we are guided by it. Synchronicity is a means to awaken us to our true identity, the thoughts we think and the actions we take are being guided by hidden cycles that repeat throughout the universe and time. David Wilcock is our guide to this new world.

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