AIM/FAR 2008


Erschienen am 12.11.2007, 1. Auflage 2007
42,95 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780071596299
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 1002 S.
Format: PDF
DRM: Adobe DRM


Today's Leading Guide to Federal Aviation Rules and Regulations-Now Updated with the Latest Changes The only edited and annotated guide to federal aviation regulations, AIM/FAR 2008 arms you with the latest federally required rules for general aviation flying, including all new Transportation Security Administration requirements. This updated aviation tool presents new second-in-command qualifications, new helicopter procedures, SAAAR instrument approaches, key FAA regional office phone numbers, and unmanned aircraft alerts. Packed with over 200 detailed illustrations, this unrivaled resource contains an up-to-date aeronautical information manual, covering air navigation lighting and visual aids airspace air traffic control and procedures emergency procedures safety of flight medical facts charts and publications and helicopter operations. The book also provides selected aviation web sites, a pilot/controller glossary, and a comprehensive index. Bigger and better than ever, AIM/FAR 2008 features: Study suggestions for test and flight review VOT sites and frequencies Light Sport Plane Regulations Access to year-round online updates with late-breaking developments The following new material: new second-in-command qualifications; new helicopter procedures; new directories to weather web sites, aviation facilities, officials, NTSB, and more Inside This Updated Guide to Critical Aviation Information and Rules Aeronautical Information Manual: Air Navigation Lighting and Visual Aids Airspace Air Traffic Control Air Traffic Procedures Emergency Procedures Safety of Flight Medical Facts Charts and Publications Helicopter Operations Pilot/Controller Glossary Federal Aviation Regulations Transportation Security Regulations Selected Aviation Web Sites

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