Trump Survival Guide


Erschienen am 10.01.2017, 1. Auflage 2017
8,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780062686497
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 208 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


National BestsellerDont despair.Dont retreat.Fight back.A call-to-action for Democrats, moderate Republicans, and other anti-Trump dissenters, detailing the history of social and political policies, how Obama treated them, how Trump has the power to undermine them, and what people can do to fight back.The stunning election of Donald J. Trump rocked an already divided America and left scores of citizens, including the nearlysixty-five million voters who supported Hillary Clinton, feeling bereft and powerless. Now, Gene Stone, author ofThe Bush Survival Bible,offers invaluable guidance and concrete solutions the resistance can use to make a difference in this serious call-to-armsshowing them how to move fromanger anddespair to activism against the Trump presidency and its potentially lasting effects on our democracy. Before we can successfully engage, we need to be clear about the battles we face. Stone outlinespolitical and social conceptsincluding such issues asCivil Rights,Womens Rights,the Environment, Obamacare, International relations, and LGBTQ Rightsproviding a brief history of each, a refresher on Obama's policies over his eight years in office, and an analysis of how Trumps administration is threatening them. But lest we feel overwhelmed by the scale of the threat and settle for aimless outrage, Stone then provides an invaluable guide for fighting backreferring to organizations, people, sites, andcountless other resources that are working tirelessly to restore the power of the people, safeguard our democracy, and ensure that none of us are left behind in our quest for relentless and equitable progress.While marches and social media are important forms of protest, concrete actions that achieve real and measurable change are a vital part of the fight. Positive and reinforcing,The Trump Survival Guidepresents the essential information we need to effectively make our voices heard and our power felt, during the Trump presidency and beyond.

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