At Gettysburg - What a Girl Saw and Heard of the Battle

eBook - A True Narrative

Erschienen am 26.12.2023, 1. Auflage 2023
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547790198
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 50 S., 0.97 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In 'At Gettysburg - What a Girl Saw and Heard of the Battle' by Tillie Pierce Alleman, readers are transported back to the heart of the American Civil War, allowing them a firsthand account of the Battle of Gettysburg through the eyes of a teenage girl. Alleman's writing style is captivating and immersive, providing vivid descriptions of the chaos and devastation of war during this critical moment in history. The book offers a unique perspective on the event, offering insights into the human experience amidst the turmoil of battle. Tillie Pierce Alleman herself was a witness to the Battle of Gettysburg, a young resident of the town during the fateful days of the conflict. Her personal experiences and observations provide a poignant and intimate portrayal of the bravery and tragedy that unfolded during one of the most significant battles of the Civil War. Alleman's firsthand perspective lends an authenticity to the narrative that draws readers in and allows them to connect deeply with the events described. I highly recommend 'At Gettysburg - What a Girl Saw and Heard of the Battle' to anyone interested in history, particularly the Civil War period. Alleman's unique perspective and engaging storytelling make this book a valuable addition to any library, offering a compelling account of a pivotal moment in American history.

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