This Country of Ours: The Story of the United States


Erschienen am 16.12.2023, 1. Auflage 2023
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547754954
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 516 S., 0.85 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall's 'This Country of Ours: The Story of the United States' is a comprehensive and engaging historical narrative that provides readers with a detailed account of the formation and development of the United States. Written in a clear and accessible style, Marshall's book is a valuable resource for those seeking to understand the country's rich history, from the arrival of the first settlers to the founding of the nation and beyond. The author's vivid storytelling brings key events and figures to life, making the complex history of the United States both informative and enjoyable to read. Marshall's work stands out for its educational value and literary merit, making it an essential read for anyone interested in American history. With a keen eye for detail and a deep appreciation for the subject matter, Marshall's writing is both informative and engaging, making 'This Country of Ours' a standout work in the genre of historical literature.


Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall (18671941) stands as a distinguished figure in the annals of children's literature, particularly known for her contributions in the field of history. Born in England, Marshall's passion for storytelling and history was palpable in her narrative-driven approach to educating young minds. Her seminal work, 'This Country of Ours: The Story of the United States', showcases her exceptional ability to distill complex historical events into engaging and accessible narratives for children. Published in 1917, this book took readers on a journey through the founding and formative years of the United States, emphasizing the lives of notable figures and pivotal moments with a storytelling flair somewhat reminiscent of her contemporary, H.E. Marshall is frequently lauded for her skill in rendering history not merely as a collection of dates and facts but as a lively and coherent tapestry of human endeavor. Yet it is not only her narrative style but also her dedication to historical accuracy and educational value that earned her works a place in schools and homes alike. Despite criticisms for a certain bias reflective of her times, Marshall's books continue to be recognized for their ability to kindle an interest in history among young readers.

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