eBook - Thoughts and Precepts, Observations on What Autosuggestion Can Do & Education As It Ought To Be

Erschienen am 09.12.2023, 1. Auflage 2023
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547747154
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 132 S., 0.35 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Émile Coué's 'SELF MASTERY THROUGH CONSCIOUS AUTOSUGGESTION (Unabridged)' is a groundbreaking work that delves into the power of the mind and the practice of autosuggestion in achieving self-improvement. Coué's simple yet effective methods are presented in a clear and accessible manner, making this book a valuable resource for anyone seeking to harness the power of their subconscious mind. Written in a straightforward and practical style, the book provides readers with actionable techniques to overcome mental barriers and achieve personal growth. Émile Coué, a French psychologist and pharmacist, was a pioneer in the field of self-help and personal development. His revolutionary ideas on the influence of the mind on the body paved the way for modern mind-body techniques. Coué's background in pharmacy and psychology gave him a unique perspective on the connection between the conscious and unconscious mind, which is evident in his work. I highly recommend 'SELF MASTERY THROUGH CONSCIOUS AUTOSUGGESTION (Unabridged)' to anyone interested in exploring the power of the mind and unlocking their full potential. Coué's insights are timeless and continue to inspire readers to take control of their thoughts and emotions for personal growth and success.


Émile Coué (1857-1926) was a French psychologist and pharmacist who introduced a revolutionary method of psychotherapy based on autosuggestion. Recognized for his contribution to applied psychology, Coué focused much of his career on the power of the mind in healing the body and improving personal well-being. His most influential work, 'Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion' (Unabridged), encapsulates his philosophy and method, offering readers a practical guide to harness their own innate potential. Coué's technique, often encapsulated by the phrase 'Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better,' espoused the significance of optimism and self-belief in effecting positive change. His literary style, while scholarly, also carries a sense of accessibility, ensuring his ideas could be understood and practiced by a broad readership. Beyond his written work, Coué's legacy includes the influence he had on future therapeutic modalities, including positive thinking and cognitive behavioral therapy. Although his methods may have faced skepticism from contemporaries in more traditional medical fields, the enduring interest in his work speaks to a persistent intrigue in the power of the mind over matter, a topic that remains relevant in today's psychological and self-help literature.

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