De Medicina (All 8 Volumes)

eBook - Ancient Greek Encyclopaedia of Medicine, Diet, Pharmacology and Surgery

Erschienen am 24.11.2023, 1. Auflage 2023
1,49 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547731771
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 668 S., 0.90 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Aulus Cornelius Celsus' monumental work 'De Medicina' consists of all 8 volumes encompassing a comprehensive guide to ancient Roman medicine. Written in a clear and concise style, Celsus covers topics ranging from anatomy and surgery to pharmacology and therapy, providing valuable insight into the medical practices of the time. His work is considered a cornerstone in the history of medicine and remains relevant for scholars and practitioners alike. Celsus' precise descriptions and careful observations demonstrate his deep understanding of the human body and the importance of proper medical treatment. The literary context of 'De Medicina' showcases Celsus' influence on later medical texts and his dedication to advancing the field of medicine. As a valuable resource for studying ancient medical practices, this work offers a fascinating glimpse into the evolution of healthcare. Recommended for those interested in the history of medicine and the development of medical knowledge.


Aulus Cornelius Celsus, an eminent figure in the annals of medical literature, remains an author whose contributions continue to be held in high regard by scholars and historians. Although the precise years of his life are not definitively recorded, it is surmised that he lived during the 1st century AD, possibly during the reign of Emperor Tiberius. While Celsus wrote on various subjects, including agriculture, military tactics, rhetoric, and philosophy, he is most renowned for his work 'De Medicina,' which encapsulates the medical knowledge of the era. The eight-volume magnum opus is a fountainhead of insights into the medical practices of Ancient Rome and stands as a testimony to the empirical observations and methodologies of the time. Celsus's literary style in 'De Medicina' is particularly noted for its clarity and organization, exemplifying the systematic approach to medical topics ranging from disease etiology to treatment and surgery. Praised for his advocacy of rationality in medicine, Celsus eschewed superstition and emphasized a balanced lifestyle and diet as core to maintaining health. His vast work was lost throughout the Middle Ages, only to be rediscovered and printed in the Renaissance, which led to its seminal role in the revival of medical knowledge. Celsus remains enshrined as one of the early architects of medical literature whose scholarly efforts continue to be studied and respected in the annals of the history of medicine.

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