King Arthur Premium Collection: 10 Books of Legends & The History Behind The King of Camelot

eBook - Le Morte d'Arthur, Sir Lancelot and His Companions, Idylls of the King, The Mabinogion¿

Pyle, Howard/Morris, Richard/Knowles, James et al
Erschienen am 30.11.2023, 1. Auflage 2023
1,99 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547682523
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 3215 S., 4.34 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


The "King Arthur Premium Collection: 10 Books of Legends& The History Behind The King of Camelot" presents an exceptional anthology that traverses the extensive landscape of Arthurian legend through a varied tapestry of narrative styles and perspectives. This collection stands as a monumental consolidation of myth, legend, and historical speculation, offering readers an in-depth exploration of the chivalric values, romantic adventures, and moral quandaries emblematic of the Arthurian ethos. The anthology strategically includes seminal works that have shaped the Arthurian tradition, including but not limited to the romantically poetic to the rigorously historic, thus reflecting the multifaceted nature of King Arthurs legacy across centuries. The contributing authors and editorsHoward Pyle, Richard Morris, James Knowles, T. W. Rolleston, Thomas Malory, Alfred Tennyson, and Maude L. Radfordare distinguishable not only for their individual contributions to literature but also for their collective embodiment of the cultural, historical, and literary movements that have sustained the Arthurian legend. Their backgrounds, ranging from medieval scholarship to poetry, enrich the collection with a depth that invites readers to explore the legend of King Arthur through lenses that are at once diverse and cohesive, aligning to form a comprehensive understanding of the mythos that continues to captivate the imagination. This anthology is recommended for readers seeking to immerse themselves in the multifarious narratives of King Arthur and his court. It serves not only as an educational journey through the annals of Arthurian legend but also as a monumental exploration of the human condition through the lens of myth. For scholars, enthusiasts, and new readers alike, this collection offers a unique opportunity to engage with the rich tapestry of tales and analyses that make up the Arthurian world, inviting a dialogue between the past and present, myth and history, across a spectrum of literary craftsmanship.

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