Un cavallo nella luna

eBook - Novelle

Erschienen am 11.11.2023, 1. Auflage 2023
1,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547635116
Sprache: Italienisch
Umfang: 96 S., 0.72 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


El Paso Sunrise is the first of two stand-alone novels that together make a story of love, passion, obsession, intense hate, pure evil, violence, and horror, all brought keenly alive against the panorama of the radical transformation of America. After the Second American Civil War, the country has been radically transformed by progressives, Muslim radicals, and the American left from a Constitutional Republic to a Marxist dictatorship led by a Muslim President. In El Paso, Texas, the Russian and Muslim terrorist assassination squad is on its way to kill Steven Vandorol, a lawyer leading the Texas prosecution of Federal government corruption. Steven had all but lost everything when he fell hard from grace in the ultra-rich Sunbelt. Escaping to Washington, D.C., he once again finds himself embroiled in evil, corruption, sexual obsession, and addiction before confronting his own demons to find peace and serenity in El Paso ... but can he force his country and the government to face their demons before it's too late? Retired lawyer Louis Bodnar portrays a future with the literal choking of Canada, Great Britain, Europe, the Middle East, and particularly the sovereign state of Israel by Islamist radicals, ISIL, Hezbollah, Hamas and the spreading malignancy of worldwide Islamist Muslim Caliphate. It is a story of excruciating pain, complex emotions, crisis, and survival that draws darkly profound conclusions about today's crumbling American society. While El Paso Sunrise is a graphic story about evil in this world, it is also a timeless love story about goodness, faith, grace, and friendship blossoming during a national emergency-a clarion call to the world to remember what truly matters.

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