100 Christmas Classics


MacDonald, George/Lagerlöf, Selma/Andersen, Hans Christian et al
Erschienen am 10.12.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
1,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547392989
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 9285 S., 50.12 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


The anthology '100 Christmas Classics' is a mesmerizing collection that brings together a panoramic array of tales from some of the most notable authors in literature. Spanning centuries and crossing continents, the collection encapsulates the spirit of Christmas through a rich tapestry of literary styles, including classic narratives, heartwarming family stories, ghost tales, and enchanting fairy tales. This compilation not only highlights the universal themes of love, generosity, and goodwill but also showcases the diversity and depth of literary tradition. Standout pieces within the anthology explore the nuanced interplay of morality and joy, each contributing to a comprehensive portrayal of the holiday season's multifaceted character. The contributing authors and editors, from the likes of Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson to Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Louisa May Alcott, offer a remarkable range of cultural and historical perspectives. Each author's distinct background enriches the collection, providing a unique literary voice that contributes to the overarching theme of Christmas. The anthology aligns with various literary movements, from romanticism to realism, and from modernism to the fairy tale revival, showcasing the enduring relevance and adaptability of Christmas stories across different eras and societies. '100 Christmas Classics' invites readers into a world where the spirit of Christmas is celebrated through an exquisite blend of storytelling. This collection is an invaluable resource for anyone eager to delve into the expansive terrain of Christmas literature, presenting an unparalleled opportunity to experience the holiday through a multitude of lenses. It is a testament to the power of literature to unite diverse voices in a common theme, making it an essential addition to the libraries of scholars, enthusiasts, and casual readers alike, who seek to deepen their appreciation for the time-honored tradition of holiday storytelling.


Bjørnstjerne Martinius Bjørnson (18321910) was a towering figure in Norwegian literature, whose prolific career spanned poetry, plays, novels, and journalism. As a vital contributor to the Norwegian National Romantic movement, he sought to forge a distinctive national identity through his work, culminating in a Nobel Prize in Literature in 1903. His legacy includes the penning of the lyrics to the Norwegian National Anthem, 'Ja, vi elsker dette landet.' A contemporary of Henrik Ibsen, Bjørnson's literary style was characterized by a deep humanism and a celebration of the Norwegian landscape and spirit. His plays and novels, such as 'Synnøve Solbakken' and 'En fallit,' often grappled with social issues and the tension between individual desires and societal expectations. Although '100 Christmas Classics' is not among his most well-known works, the anthology echoes the warmth and community themes prevalent in Bjørnson's oeuvre, resonating with his commitment to national tradition and the simple, pastoral values that inform much of his writing. Bjørnson's influence extended beyond literature; he was a political activist and a notable public figure, advocating for cultural independence and political change in Norway. His dedication to these causes and his outstanding literary contributions ensure his lasting place in the Scandinavian cultural pantheon.

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