The Brass Bottle

eBook - A Farcical Fantastic Play in Four Acts

Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547359272
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 92 S., 0.36 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


F. Anstey's 'The Brass Bottle' is a satirical fantasy novel that explores the theme of wish fulfillment through clever humor and wit. Set in Victorian England, the book follows the misadventures of a man who releases a genie from a brass bottle, leading to hilarious consequences. Anstey's writing style is marked by sharp social commentary and absurd situations that entertain while also offering insightful commentary on human desires and follies. The novel's playful tone and imaginative storytelling place it within the genre of humorous fantasy literature, making it a delightful read for fans of both fantasy and satire. F. Anstey, a pseudonym for Thomas Anstey Guthrie, was a successful English novelist and humorist known for his light-hearted and whimsical works. His background as a barrister and his keen observations of society likely informed his satirical approach to writing. 'The Brass Bottle' reflects Anstey's talent for blending fantasy elements with social critique, showcasing his unique perspective and storytelling skills. I highly recommend 'The Brass Bottle' to readers who enjoy witty humor, imaginative storytelling, and insightful social commentary. Anstey's novel is a charming and entertaining read that combines elements of fantasy with biting satire, offering a fresh take on the classic genie-in-a-bottle trope.


F. Anstey was the pseudonym adopted by Thomas Anstey Guthrie (18561934), an English novelist and journalist known for his comic and fantasy writings. Born in Kensington, London, Anstey was educated at King's College School and at Trinity College, Cambridge. His initial career choice was the legal profession, but his passion for writing led him to pursue a career in journalism and literature. His first major success came with the publication of 'Vice Versa' in 1882, a comic novel about a father and son who magically swap bodies. This work established the thematic and stylistic approach that would characterize much of Anstey's oeuvre, blending humor with elements of the fantastic. Anstey's prolific career included the writing of 'The Brass Bottle' in 1900, a humorous fantasy that tells the story of an architect who discovers a brass bottle containing a djinn. The book is notable for its witty exploration of the complications arising from the granting of wishes and its satirical take on contemporary society. Anstey's literary style often parodied and satirized the mores and quirks of Victorian and Edwardian England, and his works were influential in the development of humorous fantasy as a genre. His skill at combining the absurd with critical social commentary earned him a place among the prominent satirical writers of his time.

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