On Membership in the Society of Friends


Erschienen am 15.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547314790
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 58 S., 0.50 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In his book 'On Membership in the Society of Friends', Robert Barclay of Tottenham delves into the history and practices of the Religious Society of Friends, commonly known as Quakers. Through a blend of historical analysis and personal reflection, Barclay explores the guiding principles of the Quaker community, including pacifism, simplicity, and equality. His prose is characterized by its clarity and earnestness, reflecting the sincerity with which he approaches his subject matter. Drawing on his own experiences within the Society, Barclay provides insightful commentary on the challenges and rewards of Quaker membership. 'On Membership in the Society of Friends' is a valuable resource for those seeking a deeper understanding of Quakerism, as well as for individuals interested in exploring alternative religious communities. Robert Barclay's unique perspective as a Quaker himself lends authenticity and depth to his exploration of Quaker beliefs and practices, making this book an essential read for anyone curious about this fascinating religious tradition.


Robert Barclay of Tottenham, not to be confused with the prominent Quaker theologian Robert Barclay (16481690), is a modern author contributing to the dialogue on Quaker practices and theology. His notable work, 'On Membership in the Society of Friends,' delves into the intricacies of belonging and the philosophical underpinnings of membership within the Quaker community. Barclay's scholarly approach to the subject reflects his deep engagement with Quaker beliefs and traditions; his writing is indicative of a person who has spent considerable time examining the core values and practices that define the Society of Friends. Although less is known about Tottenham's personal life and academic background than the historical Barclay, his literary style suggests a detailed and methodical approach to religious discourse, operating within the space of thoughtful theological exploration. His contributions are of significant value to those studying modern Quakerism and its approach to community, spirituality, and the dynamics of faith-based group identity. It's unclear whether he has penned other works or if 'On Membership in the Society of Friends' remains his sole publication. However, his book continues to serve as a resource for both adherents of the Society of Friends and scholars interested in contemporary religious practice.

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