Decisive Battles Since Waterloo


Erschienen am 29.05.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547028284
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 405 S., 5.54 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In 'Decisive Battles Since Waterloo' by Thomas Wallace Knox, the author meticulously examines significant military encounters that have shaped modern history since the Battle of Waterloo. The book offers a detailed analysis of key battles, providing insights into the strategies employed, the impact on world politics, and the lasting consequences of these conflicts. Knox's writing style is both informative and engaging, making this book a valuable resource for anyone interested in military history. The literary context of the book reflects a time when military prowess and strategic thinking were essential components of global power dynamics. This book serves as a testament to the enduring influence of decisive battles on the course of history. Thomas Wallace Knox, a respected journalist and historian, brings his expertise to bear in 'Decisive Battles Since Waterloo.' His background in reporting on international events and his deep knowledge of military history provide readers with a comprehensive and insightful narrative. Recommended for history enthusiasts and military strategy buffs alike, this book offers a compelling exploration of the pivotal battles that have shaped our world.


Thomas Wallace Knox (1835-1896) was an American journalist, author, and world traveler, whose literary works encapsulated the spirit of adventure and exploration during the late 19th century. Knox is best known for his contributions as a correspondent during the American Civil War and his extensive travel writings that followed. His meticulous chronicles provided insights into various cultures and historical moments, with a narrative flair that captivated the American audience of his time. Noteworthy among his publications is 'Decisive Battles Since Waterloo' (1887), a comprehensive analysis of pivotal military encounters that shaped the world from the Napoleonic era to the late 19th century. In this work, Knox exhibits his command over military history and tactics, presenting battles not only as historical events but as turning points with profound geopolitical implications. His literary style blends objective historical writing with the storytelling techniques of his travelogues, making his historical accounts both informative and engaging. Knox's other distinguished works include the 'Boy Travellers' series, which reflects his educational and adventurous approach designed to enlighten young readers about the vast world beyond American shores. His commitment to factual storytelling and educational literature positioned him as a significant figure in the landscape of American literature and journalism during his lifetime.

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