Kama Sutra

eBook - Illustrated Edition

Erschienen am 17.05.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547000471
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 137 S., 2.04 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


The Kama Sutra, as curated by Vatsyayana and later presented to the Western world through the efforts of Richard Francis Burton, stands as a monumental anthology that straddles the realms of spirituality, pleasure, and human psychology. This collection, through its diverse range of literary styles - from poetic narrative to meticulous instruction - offers readers an arresting exploration of the intricacies of human desires and relationships. The richness of this work lies not only in its varied content but also in the depth of its literary and cultural contexts, presenting an ancient yet timeless meditation on the art of living and loving. In bringing together the original insights of Vatsyayana with Burton's pioneering translation and commentary, this anthology encapsulates a meeting of minds across millennia and geographies. Vatsyayana, an ancient Indian philosopher, provides the foundational text, which is then reinterpreted by Burton, an audacious British explorer and translator known for his interest in the exotic and the erotic. This confluence of authors from distinctly different worlds and eras enriches the Kama Sutra, situating it across cultural and literary movements and offering a complex, layered understanding of human sexuality and emotion. The Kama Sutra is recommended for readers seeking not merely to understand historical views on intimacy but to gain a broader appreciation for an anthology that transcends time and cultural boundaries. As a scholarly exploration, it furnishes a unique opportunity to analyze and appreciate how diverse perspectives on love, desire, and relationship ethics have converged in this work, offering a comprehensive and nuanced examination of the themes at hand. Readers are encouraged to delve into this volume not only for its historical significance but for the educational value in understanding the evolution of human thought regarding the perennial aspects of life.


Vatsyayana, an ancient Indian philosopher and writer, is often known primarily for his authorship of the Kama Sutra, an extensive text about the art of living well, encompassing aspects of love, relationships, and pleasure. Vatsyayana supposedly lived during the Gupta period, around the 3rd century CE, a time known for its significant developments in culture, science, and political power a period often referred to as the Golden Age of India. Unfortunately, little is known about Vatsyayana's life, as scholarly tradition in India often focused more on the teachings and ideas presented than the biography of the teacher himself. The Kama Sutra, his notable composition, is a treatise on kama one of the four goals of Hindu life, meaning desire, sensual pleasure, or sexual love. The text is structured into seven parts, each discussing different aspects of pleasure and love, ranging from social life, courtship, and marriage to sexual techniques and behaviors. Often misunderstood in modern times to be merely a sex manual, the Kama Sutra, in its essence, is a guide to a virtuous and gracious living that discusses the nature of love, family life, and other aspects pertaining to pleasure-oriented faculties of human life. Vatsyayana's work is remarkable for its analytical approach to human relations and its candid discussion of intimate matters in a philosophical context. His contribution to literature and overall cultural perceptions of sexuality and relationships is immense and continues to be studied and revered for its depth and insight into human comportment and instincts.

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