1001 Nights

eBook - Complete Annotated Edition

Erschienen am 17.05.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
1,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547000358
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 5437 S., 5.58 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Richard Francis Burton's '1001 Nights' is a masterful translation of the classic Arabic stories, originally compiled during the Islamic Golden Age. Known for its vivid depictions of life in the Middle East and tales of magic, love, and adventure, Burton's rendition captures the essence of the original work while adding his own literary flair. The book showcases his deep knowledge of Eastern languages and cultures, making it a valuable contribution to the field of literature and cross-cultural understanding. Burton's ornate prose and attention to detail bring the tales to life, making '1001 Nights' a captivating read for fans of classic literature and Arabian folklore. His translation has stood the test of time and remains a celebrated work in the world of literary translation and Orientalist studies.


Sir Richard Francis Burton (18211890) was a polymath of staggering scope, known for his diverse accomplishments as an explorer, translator, writer, soldier, orientalist, cartographer, ethnographer, spy, linguist, poet, fencer, and diplomat. Among his most famous translations is that of 'The Arabian Nights'more properly known as 'The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night'a monumental and enduring work that remains a pinnacle of intercultural literature. Burton's version, published between 1885 and 1888, stands out for its exhaustive footnotes offering cultural and literary context, as well as its unexpurgated and unabashed portrayal of the tales. A scholar of languages, Burton was proficient in over 25 dialects and languages, and his literary style was marked by a fluency that retained the spirit and exotic charm of the original texts. His interest in cultures and customs led him to assume various personas; he is famed for his undercover pilgrimage to Mecca, which was documented in his work 'Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah'. Burton's translations were, however, often controversial due to their explicit content and candid approach to sexuality, reflecting an openness that was ahead of his Victorian contemporaries. His body of work spans across travel literature, essays, and anthropological studies, infusing scholarly research with personal adventure, which continues to captivate readers and scholars alike.

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